19 February 2013

Favorite Thing a Birchbox review - his and hers and a giveaway

That little pink box. Comes in the mail once a month. 
Excites me every.single.time. Seriously.

I just got February's box today and it's sitting on the table calling my name. But I wait. Maybe I'll reward myself when the Lent sugar cravings are REALLY bad! Don't even make me go there.

Back to the box.

For Christmas I bought my hubby a subscription to the men's box. Granted. He's not me. He doesn't get quite as giddy when the box arrives. He doesn't open each product with eager anticipation of what awesomeness it might bring. He doesn't even take pictures of the wrapping!

But he's a guy.
And he's not me.
That's a good thing.

Me on the other hand? I get equally excited when HIS box arrives. And let me tell you. They are pretty awesome-sauce. Of course, I have to MAKE him open the box. Geesh. Come on honey. THis is BIRCHBOX!

Anyway, I thought I'd give you my fav from my box last month. And my fav from his box. {{smile}} Ok, I asked his opinion.

Me first. It's my blog.
My morning routine is fairly simple. Currently, I'm sharing a bathroom with my 3 girls. Think college dorm room. They steal my stuff and hog the mirror. I mean really.

Anyway, I do wear some sort of eye liner every day. My eyes are one of my better features and when I'm at the studio I wear my glasses...safety first! And eyes behind glasses tend to get lost. I don't want heavy cat looking eyes, but slight definition. I hate pencils, and liquid liner is icky. Well, it used to be icky.

This month had liquid eyeliner from Eyeko. Cute name huh? Instead of one of those brushes that put on WAY too much, it's more like a pen. I'm good with pens! You can go thick or thin. And best part? It lasts all day. Retail $16, and I think it will last a fairly long time.

For my everyday look I apply a fairly skinny line close to my lashes and then blend it in with my ring finger. Perfect. They sent me black, but It comes in a bunch of colors as well...I'll be ordering those!

Now HIS box. Not only is it FULL of incredible beauty items. Wait, beauty? Maybe that's why he's not as excited! What does one call guys "stuff"? Anyway, it has tons of "stuff" for the getting ready for the day, but it also is full of fun style items and gadgety goodies!

He had two items he and I thought were super cool. The quirky cordies are a steal at $10. Perfect way to organize all those annoying cords at your desk! Rubber bottom to keep it in one place, thread 3 to 6 cords. I stole his. True story. Well, if you're not going to do a happy dance when your box comes...I deserve this!
The other item is totally classy and would make a perfect gift. Perfect for on the top of his dresser, or by the back door...a leather shoe horn - retail $18. You may think shoe horns are for dress shoes only. Not true! Perfect for lace up or loafers or boots. It will save the heels of his shoes...trust me!
And I happen to think this one is straight up sleek and sexy!

One thing he wasn't too "keen" on was the Knottery Knit skinny tie last month...retail $30! (I think since we are both products of the 80's there are certain things you just can't go back to!) And this months Jack Robie pocket square - retail $25. We loved it, but he's just not much of a suit guy anymore!

So we have decided to give them away. Just leave a comment on one of the items I talked about to enter. Want an extra 5 entries? Sign up for Birchbox here. You KNOW you want to! Then come back and let me know. I'll count you for 5. Ends Sunday, February 24 at midnight!

Love and hugs....and samples!



  1. What a great box and gift idea! I <3 it! I would love to try the mascara...I am forever looking for new mascara...endless search it seems! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  2. I love the quirky cordies! I think those have to be added to my tech must-have list because my cords are always a mess and need to be organized.

  3. I have been meaning to sign up for BirchBox and your post has finally made me request an invite! I just hope the next 4 weeks go quickly because I can't wait to get my first box!

  4. Eyeko is a new brand for me - I'm going to get the liquid eyeliner tout suite!

  5. OOO! I love love love this. I am always looking for a new eyeliner. I'm thinking I'll have do some more research on this BirchBox....never heard of it until today!

  6. Pout. I didn't get eyeliner. This month's box was somewhat lame for me - an eyelash treatment thing, a cream hairspray that smells like mangoes. I wonder how many Birchbox variations there are?

  7. ummm I said mascara...I meant eye liner...just a few hours later! :)

  8. The shoe horn is awesome. I'm an engaged (but mostly single!) mother of six ages 17 down to 5 so we do a lot of shoes daily. My 17yo is in NJROTC so has dress shoes required for her uniform, but you're right that even regular shoes get warn down by how SOME folks wiggle their feet into them. I love your blog and love your items. My fiance wears his "Hers" necklace every single day. We're in the process of immigration paperwork and hopefully we'll be buying jewelry for our WEDDING in the late fall. We last saw each other in Nov and due to quirky immigration stuff we're unlikely to see each other again til Oct, so having something like that as a reminder is valuable. We've been best friends for 5 years now, but practice doesn't make distance any easier. I'm saving up for one of your bracelets for myself (I love the "Ready" bracelet!). Thanks for this review, it was interesting to read. :)

  9. I think my guy would try the skinny tie!

  10. I have a subscription to Birchbox and my items were completely different. I would have loved the eyeliner.

  11. I'll be signing myself up too! I just got the invite in my e-mail today! This is the most ingenious idea ever--and I always think, "Why didn't I think of Birchbox? And about a million other things!" :0

  12. Thanks for the heads up about the Birchbox for men. I requested an invite

  13. I think my man would love the quirky cordies since he hates tangled cords
    mermont84 at yahoo.com

  14. love this. i need one of my own. the shoe horn is cool. Noah C. go-tigers15@comcast.net

  15. signed up. you made me. Noah C.

  16. i really like that skinny tie for my husband!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you have an email attached to your comment I can connect with you!

Otherwise, feel free to email ME! hello@StudioJewel.com

xo, lisa