14 February 2013

Happy Valentines Day from me to you

Today is Valentines Day, in case you didn't know.

And although it's designed to be all about couples, I like to think of it as a holiday to show love to ALL the special people in your life!

When our kids were small we always dressed in red and went out to eat as a family! I would buy them special gifts and we would celebrate how much LOVE we had for each other.

Of course there were handmade Valentines - oh those were the days...when I had time... 

he used to be so cute! :)
A couple years ago several of us took to the streets of Grand Rapids embracing the "free hugs" movement. I was still homeschooling, so of course my kids came along. We handed out hugs to anyone who was willing to accept. I've never been dissed so many times in my life...but I also never saw so many spontaneous smiles as I did that day. (the cape was for effect...don't judge!)

And although my small people may be beyond dressing in red to humor their mom on Valentines Day ... it's STILL about a special day to go out of your way to tell the people that mean the most to us...I love you.

thankfully my smallest person is still young enough to embrace the day creatively! 
And as for you? Well, I love YOU with all my heart!

Happy Valentines Day!


1 comment:

  1. haha! I can totally see you handing out free hugs!! That is awesome!


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