20 March 2013

Aging. Lips. And my new favorite thing. * Plus a GIVEAWAY! *

I'm not going to lie, aging is hard. Actually it's harder than I thought.

There are parts of aging you expect. You know wrinkles are inevitable. Cellulite? Most likely. Grey hair. Absolutely.

Some of that you can change. {{Ahem}} 
You all know how diligent I am about my hair color right? Grey hair? What grey hair?

The body change. I hear women say all the time, "yes, my body has changed, but I have these beautiful children it was so worth it." I love my children. Adore them. I'd lay down my life for them. But the fact that my hips are wider, my stomach flabbier and my bra size has shrunk...well that does not make me all warm and fuzzy inside. Somehow "society" has expectations that in our 40's we should look as fabulous as we did in our 20's. Thank you Jennifer Aniston.

Anyway, I digress.

One thing I did NOT expect to age was my lips. It just didn't cross my mind. I am an avid lip balm user, even slightly addicted. But one day, they just started to look...well...old.

So why do lips age? I found this very basic explanation on REAL SIMPLE:

"The older you get, the less collagen you produce. And collagen, a protein that supports the body’s soft tissue, is what gives lips their pleasing plumpness, says D’Anne Kleinsmith, M.D., a dermatologist in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The sun’s ultraviolet rays can also cause collagen to break down and lips to thin. 'One way to help preserve the fullness of your lips,” Kleinsmith says, “is to protect them from the sun by wearing a lipstick or lip balm with sunscreen.'"

I noticed my lips losing definition and the edges "blurring" into my skin. They started to look rough and just not "kissable"! Yuck!

My rescue came from my fav skin care products Therapon. I use their skin regime faithfully and adore it. Christina from Therapon sent me a sample of the Anti-Aging Lip Complex - was she trying to tell me something?? :) Needless to say, I was hooked!

What THEY say about it?
Peptide-infused, rejuvenating lip enhancerWhat it is formulated to do:

  • Reduces the appearance of lip lines
  • Increases the appearance of lip volume
  • Helps to rejuvenate lips
  • Enhances the effects of professional dermal fillers
  • Will not burn or sting as some lip enhancers will
  • Infused with avocado oil and Vitamin E to soothe lips
  • Peptide is designed to stimulate the synthesis of collagen
  • Helps eliminate lipstick feathering 
  • What I say about it?
    All of that above stuff? TRUE. And. It goes on like buttah. It STAYS on. Bonus. It doesn't have a weird taste or smell. It's one of the few lip "goo's" my small person will let me put on her chapped lips. And, it works. Bottom line.

    It is $25 for a tube. But it lasts forever. A little goes a long way. And it's cheaper than botox or whatever other icky injections might be out there. I do think you can get 15% off your first order just for signing up for their emails.

    Hey, it's the one aging thing I can actually do something about. Little to no effort. That makes me happy.

    truly my tube is with my "everyday" jewelry grab
    Therapon, although my favorite, did NOT sponsor this post or even suggest I write it. This is truly MY opinion and something I thought totally worth sharing with you. You can thank me later!

    *** so this post was up and live...and Christina from Therapon read it and offered a tube of this liquid magic to one of my readers...seriously, that IS how awesome this company is. So leave a comment on why you want/need some lip therapy to enter! Thank you Therapon! ***

    Here's to beautiful, pouty pink lips! {{smack}}



    1. Lisa..This is great! I'd love to try this product. I am not aging gracefully. I am also aging quickly it seems. The body IS different! Gray hair began at age 29! Let's not even talk about the chest! Ugh :( My birthday is in two weeks...what a great treat on a birthday ;-)

    2. At 38, I feel like I've just started noticing all this aging going on, and I must admit it has caught me by surprise. It shouldn't have been a surprise, obviously, but nevertheless... I could really use this lip therapy!!

    3. Thanks for the heads up on this product Lisa! I have heard about it but it's so much better to get the "skinny" on it from your friends.
      Pucker up Buttercup! Sounds Fab. xoxox

    4. Okay Girl.....love your review and would love to try it!

    5. I could use that! Not that I'm getting old or anything........

    6. um, i need this because i would love to try this, and didn't know that my lips could de-plump! that's why they are feathering my lipstick! yikes! thanks for the info, and the chance to win. :)

    7. Would love to try this. I feel like my lips are constantly chapped...I'm a little obsessive about having chapstick with me at all times.

    8. Hey Lisa--Love the b-day gift (so you know I am getting older!). Thanks. I need to keep these lips kissable for my favorite preacher ;).

    9. Awesome, my lips stay chapped all year long!

    10. I'd love to try this! My lips get dried out from sun exposure, something I can't avoid during baseball seasons (happening now). And we all know that the suns wreaks havoc on us if we're not careful. I also play French horn...healthy lips are a necessity for both the quality of sound and endurance.

    11. My family and I live on a horse farm here in northern Ohio. Needless to say, exposure to the "elements" 12 out of the year takes its toll. I would love to try this product!

    12. Since people watch your mouth as you talk, the lines and dryness seem more evident. I could really use this to soften my lips. Thanks for sharing!

    13. Oh Lisa I need this soooo bad! I am a product junkie, and have tried nearly everything for my lips. Sadly, nothing has rocked my world. This may be it! I'd like to try it and find out.

    14. This winter has sucked the moisture right out of my lips. I could really use this. thank you.

    15. PLEASE help me!!! I want my cutie,plump lips back.....


    16. I'd love to try it! If it works on lips, can we just smear it all over our body, too?

    17. I am a lip balm junkie as well - they are everywhere in my house/purses/car. I would love to try this!

    18. Great review Lisa! I really need to try this. I live in Winnipeg, Canada where we still have 3 ft snowbanks and temperatures below -10C. Needless to say my lips could use some help!

    19. Hey Lisa - would love to try this cause my lips are also getting older :) So Dan just noticed the bracelet that I got from you - lol - I showed him the stamping on it and he was like "what? When did you get that?" - Anyway - I love it and I think you are awesome!

    20. WOW! Would love to try this! I'm so frustrated with tiny lines around my mouth that are increasing and growing deeper - seemingly by the day! HELP!

    21. Damn you Jennifer Aniston ! (My girl crush by the way).....Im in my 40's but feel like Im in my 20's. I like to pretend that Im not aging but alas its happening. Even if I dont win I am going to seek a tube of this out to try for myself. Thanks for the opinion and the information!

      P.S.....rocking my bracelet from you today....just love it!

    22. Thanks for the heads...er...lips up! Gonna give myself a late Bday present!

    23. More kissable lips for my hubby would be sweet! :)

    24. I soo need this. Me and all my kids have such dry lips.. I am always chewing on my lips from them being dry.. or vice versa..lol.. My hubby doesn't like chapstick or lip gloss so I wear much on my lips.. this would be great to bring the life back to them!!!

    25. my lips are always chapped! would love this!

    26. My lips are chapped and I have lip lines, this would be perfect.


    Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you have an email attached to your comment I can connect with you!

    Otherwise, feel free to email ME! hello@StudioJewel.com

    xo, lisa