09 April 2013

Spring 2013 Hottest Trends for teens - by my teenager

Hey everyone! Isabel here. This is my second guest/daughter post on my mom's blog. I'm not the best writer but when it comes to shopping, I know my stuff. So, make yourself comfortable, sit back, and stick with me here. Oh, and enjoy!

On Monday, my mom took me and my two sisters to Indianapolis for a day shopping trip. Of course this trip was greatly anticipated and took a lot of preparation. Seriously, with three teens/tweens in the house, preparation was required!

My mom gave us some guidelines to follow BEFORE our shopping trip (she's tough like that) you can read about them here...but...to prepare myself, I scanned all the People, Lucky, Girls' Life, and Style Watch magazines in the house! When I found a top spring trend I liked, I tore it out and added it to my growing stack. When I was finished emptying out my mom's magazines (sorry, mom!) I made a list of all the clothes that I definitely "needed" for spring and summer. With that, I was ready to go shopping! 
P.S- everything purchased was mom-approved!
Trend #1: Black and White
The first trend I fell in love with was the black and white trend. I love how sophisticated and business-like or fun and trendy this look can be depending on how you style it. Here's what inspired me.

And here is what I found! I went for the fun and trendy look with the two items I purchased at Wet Seal. With the high-waisted shorts and the cropped lace top, I think they make a perfect combo.

Trend #2: Printed Denim
I never really thought I was the kind of person that would wear patterned jeans but I decided that this shopping trip would be different. I found THIS inspiration for printed denim and made it my mission to seek out either floral or polka dot jeans. 

And, guess what? Mission accomplished! I wanted more of a subtle pattern, but when I saw these jeans at Love Culture, I had a change of mind. I seriously CANNOT wait to wear these! I did stay with a lighter palette, but it's still pretty bold for me. 

If you don't think you're cut out for floral, try this pair of super cute polka dot ones from the same store!

Trend #3: Tribal Print
I really {heart} this trend. I don't know why, but there's something about it that I adore! 

I kind of have a sad story related to tribal prints, though (ask my mom)! Every single store we walked into, I hunted for a pair of black and white tribal leggings. Seriously. Every. Single. Store. They were either sold out, or the store just didn't carry them! Ugh, talk about a tear jerker. Just kidding! Anyway, I found this super cute pair online from Wet Seal that I might just have to order because, as I found out the hard way, not one store has them! 

The one tribal printed item that I actually bought is from Francesca's. My mom found this awesome tribal printed high-waisted pencil skirt and I love it! I paired it with this cute lacey top from Charlotte Russe - adore the color and the detail!

Ok, well thanks for staying with me! Sorry, I kind of have a lot to say… oops! I hope you enjoyed this and found it helpful. Keep reading to see how my sisters styled their finds...and of course, mom too!


  1. Looks Great Isabel! Love how you scan the magazines first - Brilliant Idea :)

  2. Super job, Isabel. You're a natural blogger. Love your picks ... love your pics ... mostly love you!


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xo, lisa