29 May 2013

Favorite Thing - Rocket Mascara

Let's face it. 
Our eyes truly are a window to our soul. 
And...you want that "window" to look it's best...right?

I am an advocate of "good" make-up. Like our shoes, you get what you pay for. However, that being said, it doesn't seem to translate to mascara. At least for me.

I have tried it all. High end. Low end. In between. For years, and I mean years I have always come back to Maybelline's Great Lash. For 40 years this has been America's favorite mascara, that works for me. And at about $4.50, I can live with that.

Except. I was bored - and out of mascara. So off to Target. But really, who needs an excuse to go to Target?

Anyway, there on the end cap was yet another "new" mascara from Maybelline (I think they have like 100 now). It's called Volum' Express The ROCKET Washable Mascara - the name alone got me, and it's BRIGHT blue packaging, and, hey, it was on sale! I got sucked in. Cha-ching.

Guess what? I love it!

Here's what I look for in a mascara. 
  • No clumping. 
  • Not too thick. 
  • Won't flake into my contacts. 
  • Doesn't make me look like I have whiskers. 
  • Easy to remove.
This stuff actually does what it says. And my eyes look fabulouso! It's a bit pricier. $6.00. Lol. That was supposed to be funny people! It's worth much more, just don't tell Maybelline! I do believe there is a waterproof version too for you water lovin ladies.

If you are looking for a change, I highly recommend it. But don't go batting those newly gorgeous eyes around. I will not be responsible for the results {smile}.



  1. If only you'd had this mascara when we were in Utah. Maybe you could have gotten us a ride to the hotel! Lisa~

    1. lol. you so would not have let me! remember...i was willing {wink}

  2. behave you two....hehehe
    Okay, I'm gettin' old so forgive me but, do you mean the wand is washable, or the mascara?????? duh.....


    1. lol. it washes off your eyes like MAGIC! ;)

    2. thanks sweetie!! the more I think about it though, the more some one should create a mascara with a washable wand!!


    3. now THAT is a brilliant idea!

  3. well that's cool because Target just came in Canada a month ago...AND I'm out of mascara - so I guess I'll have to check that out


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xo, lisa