30 July 2013

10 fashion things about me you might not want to know

Fashion expert? What in the world does that mean? Is it self proclaimed? What exactly makes someone an expert? And really, have you seen what some of those experts say? Geesh. Yuck!

I don't think of myself as an expert by any means. I DO know that I have loved fashion and style for as long as I can remember. And not because I wanted to be "fashionable". It's more of a form of self expression. It WAS, and still IS, my way of being me!

This doesn't mean I have not made some HORRID fashion faux pas. But all of that comes from a bit of trial and error, does it not?

Here are 10 things about by fashion past that just need to be confessed. Note: I am a product of the 80's. Have mercy.
  • I read, and tried to follow identically, The Preppy Handbook. Popped collars. Alligator print belts. Penny loafers...complete with penny, except my rebellious nature had me use a dime. Scandalous, I know.
  • I worked at Express my Senior year and spent every cent of my paycheck on clothing. Huge long sweaters and shirts and an abundance of neon.
  • I once wore pink high heels with socks that had adorable pink bows at the ankles. My family still mocks me for it. I say I was ahead of trend.
  • Yes, I owned, and wore parachute pants. Navy blue. Not so flattering. And no, they don't breathe.
  • In middle school my friends and I would call each other at night so we could wear matching outfits the next day. So much for originality.
  • Let's just say Madonna heavily influenced my need for black lace and rubber bracelets and over accessorizing.
  • Standard outfit my junior year of high school? Leggings, long shirts and too many accessories. And then there was that weak moment I decided to cut my hair short. My tight curly hair. It's still too painful to talk about it. All I can say is remember Michael Jackson in Thriller? Enough said.
  • College. Trying to embrace the artist in me. Lace leggings. Tall boots. Doc Martens. Fingerless gloves. Hats. And shirts so large I could have fit me and a couple of friends. 
  • I am a master at Peg Rolling your jeans. Need a tutorial? I can definitely do that.
  • I pierced my 3rd hole in my ear myself - ice cube - needle - slice of potato. I decided to get my nose pierced in college only to be talked out of it by my friends. Instead, I have 4 holes in my ear. Mind you, this was before the "piercing phenomena".
I would like to add accompanying photos. But not many have survived. Imagine that! Except this one. See what I mean??????

Know now, when I give fashion advice it has come from much trial and error. Much experimentation. And much influence from what I have learned.

Fashion can be so much of finding who you are. At all ages.
If you are a parent you are going to watch your kids make many fashion errors. Just remember to breathe. As a mom my biggest concern is with having them make appropriate choices. Is it too short? Too tight? Can you bend in it? But as long as it fits within the boundaries we deem appropriate it really doesn't matter if I like it or not. This is their style. This is them finding themselves. This is their groove. Guide them. But don't mandate them.

I love watching our kids find their own style. They are all so different. 

And I guess I figure if I am not longer sporting my member's only jacket and parachute pants...they too will find their way!



  1. You're so cool! When we took Kali out to college in Colorado this past January we went to the mall. Well, while in Gap I saw mannequins with the pants pegged. I laughed and told Jim oh my is it coming back. :)

  2. Girl, we have SO much in common its not funny! The more I learn about you, the more I like you. I loved this and could relate to pretty much every fashion choice you mentioned from the 80's! :) (remember the "oil rag" looking shirts? I had a button down blouse that looked like someone used it to wipe oil off their car engine.)


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xo, lisa