11 September 2013

Everything Etsy - one of my very favorite things, or places, or sites, you get the idea!

I talk about Etsy a lot. I mean A LOT. I live Etsy. I breathe Etsy. I dream about Etsy. Yes...I really do. And...some of my very best friends I have met...where? On Etsy silly!

I guess it's kinda my lifeblood. Etsy launched my business to a whole new level and allowed me to do what I love full time. 

But some of you still get that deer in the headlights look when I say Etsy. (right now I'm beginning to wonder how many times I can say the word Etsy in one blog post. Geesh.)

So what is it? 
Etsy is a marketplace where you can purchase beautiful handcrafted goods, as well as vintage goodies and supplies for making. It's a wonderful place to sell your own handmade goods. It's a community full of makers and lovers of handmade. Etsy is my people.

But where do you start? 
Well, my friend Kim has a site called "Everything Etsy". Not only does she showcase fantastic Etsy shops...she has business tips for those starting Etsy shops...she has fantastic tutorials...and printables. All that to say...you need to visit her site, and follow her.

For instance...this is one of the printables she gave us a link to last week...isn't it so cute?

But that is just the beginning! Love fonts? Yesterday she listed 25 FREE, fun, crafty fonts! I don't have time to find that stuff on my own. Yay Kim!

Anyway, even if it's not Etsy you are after. Kim's Everything Etsy has something for you. Check her out...follow her on Facebook and all her other social media...and make sure you tell her I said "hi!". I should probably go tell her I wrote about her. That would be nice...right?

And in case you were wondering...I said the word ETSY...it was 14 times. Hopefully, you clicked through once! LOL.

Do you have any questions about Etsy (15)? Need more info? Just shoot me an email - I'm happy to answer any questions you have!



  1. Thank you! You are my kind of friend with all that Etsy talk! Sometimes I feel like I'm an Etsy cheerleader or something when I meet people and start going on about Etsy.

    You are a perfect example of what can happen when you start to share your talents with the world!!!!

    I've had the pleasure of watching your shop and blog grow, grow, grow over the years!! I can tell you've worked hard!

    Have a fabulous day and thanks again for such a sweet shout out!

    Go Etsy! :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you have an email attached to your comment I can connect with you!

Otherwise, feel free to email ME! hello@StudioJewel.com

xo, lisa