10 December 2013

Fashion Tip Tuesday

Tuesday. The day I share my favorite fashion find or tip.

This Tuesday I find myself buried deep in silver and gold and gemstones.
Too busy to bring you a truly quality post...so then I'd rather bring you no post at all.

However, there are archives!
Many of you have asked Fashion Tip advice or questions about things I've already covered...but you didn't know!

Check out the side bar. There's a button for FASHION - that will bring you ALL the past Fashion Tip Tuesday posts! Or, use the search bar. Type in FASHION - viola! you will find them all.

So here is to you having a very fashionable Tuesday.

Me? I'm getting back to the studio. Santa runs a VERY tight ship! Ho Ho Ho!


1 comment:

  1. Hello. It's very interesting blog. Beautiful jewelry you make.


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xo, lisa