04 December 2013

Favorite Thing - reaching out - helping others - MudLOVE - a giveaway

Reaching out to help others should be something we do naturally…everyday.
See a need. Fill a need. 

But we don't.

Too often we wait for this time of year to do something for others. That needs to change. But I'm not here to "preach" about that. I want to introduce you to MudLOVE and giveaway their bracelets!
I discovered MudLOVE through one of my daughters friends. Their mission is simple and powerful…
The hope of MudLOVE is to be an inspiration to people, not just providing Africans with clean water, but also encouraging and loving broken people. What one may lack in clean water, another may lack in love.
MudLOVE donates 20% of all sales to clean water projects in Africa through a faith based organization called Water for Good. They are a company dedicated to providing, equipping and empowering people in The Central Republic with the essential tools and knowledge they need to survive AND THRIVE in their country. I love that.
Today I am giving away 5 bracelets I purchased. MudLOVE is based in Indiana, so this is about me supporting local AND global. It just doesn't get much better. And I look forward to partnering more with them in the future!
To win a bracelet enter below using the Rafflecopter. There are several ways you can enter…you might as well take advantage of them all!

However, I want you to do more than that - get involved - do something. This is small to you and me, but think of the impact it could have if we share their message!

Share the love! The MudLOVE!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the FAITH one! These are really great! Thanks for bringing them to my attention! :)

    1. you are welcome! such a cool concept they came up with!

  2. I love their mission and that it brings hope to those it serves. With that in mind I would most like the "hope" bracelet because when we serve others it brings light and hope to those who need it most.

  3. Hope, because without it we have nothing.

  4. I like the Love one. it reminds us that because He love us - we need to Love more freely.

    1. oh the Be Still ones on her site are nice too! After BlissDom Canada wrapped up, I was rushing around and I heard him clearly say to me, "Be Still" :)

    2. at least you were listening :)

  5. Hope to be the mission. The other words fall within the realm of hope!

  6. Of the ones that are above... I think peace - but the ones on their site - totally be still!

  7. I love the Believe one for a number of reasons. 1st, for the long hard road of unemployment my family has been through, I see and Believe the faithfulness of God in so many ways. 2nd, for my personal journey of getting healthy and weight loss-I Believe I can!

    1. yes you can. especially when you totally rely on Him! so proud of you!

  8. Those are very cool! Plus I love how they give back. The faith one would be perfect!

    1. i'm so glad i found them. i love the faith one too!

  9. Love them all!!! My favorite is hope!

  10. That's a hard choice. But I think I would have to go with "Love" because without it, it's hard to have the others.

  11. Lisa you're so kind ot help out and help promote the vision.

  12. I like the love one, without love, the world would be a sad place!

  13. I like the faith one. I love that you are supporting them like this. =)

  14. I like them all and just ordered a bunch for gifts. Thanks for sharing!

  15. my first pick is "believe", i have always loved that word and all that it stands for. on our first date my husband gave me a mudlove bracelet that said "believe". it was beautiful! i only agreed to meet him because we were just going to share our testimonies. it was the start of a wonderful relationship that God has blessed. all i had to do was believe.

  16. These look fabulous!! I would choose LOVE first! :)

  17. I love the Worship and Pray bracelets, great reminders to apply my faith to every situation!

  18. I purchased these for the managers who currently and previously worked for me. I also bought some of the ornaments for friends and family. Mudlove is AMAZING!!!! I do believe in them. Would love a FAITH bracelet

  19. I'd like the Faith or the Love bracelet! These look wonderful!

  20. I would choose Faith. It's at the heart of everything I do in response to the Holy Spirit!


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Otherwise, feel free to email ME! hello@StudioJewel.com

xo, lisa