31 December 2013

Happy New Year. Reaching for 2014.

An end? Or a beginning?
I think I will choose to look at it as a fresh start. Something new ahead.
I don't want to feel as if there are things I didn't do, words I shouldn't have spoken, people I didn't connect with, places I didn't go, goals I didn't accomplish, a God I didn't serve well.
What if I view 2013 as a preparation for the new year? A training ground.

Mistakes = lessons learned.
Unfulfilled dreams = something to strive for.
Painful words spoken = tongue training in restraint.
Missed opportunity = a new chance tomorrow.
Not enough hugs = more time to cuddle.
Tears = a balm for my face.
Disappointments = a lesson in flexibility.

But think.
Think of the spontaneous laughter. Moments of surprise. New friends.
The unexpected. The joyous!

I have so much to be thankful for this year. Big things. Little things. Moments.
My heart has been impacted.

Moments of family struggle that equal a deeper understanding.
Moments of professional struggle that taught me tenacity and accomplishment.
Moments of comparison where I was able to sit back and embrace contentment.
Moments of marriage struggle that taught me more grace…more humility…more deep set love for my man.
Moments of anger and frustration that taught me self control.
Moments that forever changed me.

These changes can make us hard, indifferent, bitter…or we can embrace them. We can look for the "glimmer". See what we can learn. Grasp them as a plan laid out for us in advance. A plan for our life. A plan for our good.

A year of change.
A year of moments.

And hopefully….
Thank you for an amazing year. Your constant support has made me laugh. Has made me smile. Has helped me grow. I am overwhelmed at the blessings in my life. And you are definitely a one of them!

Here is to a NEW YEAR!!
My resolution?
Happy new year friend. 

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