22 January 2014

TOMS Nepal Boots my new favorite thing

I can barely breathe in this cold air, let alone feel my feet. And ya'll know I'm a boot girl…right?
Therefore I've been living in warm cozy boots…but honestly…THOSE kind of boots (you know the ones) do NOT lend themselves to fashion. To put it bluntly…I think they are pretty ugly. Not to mention I look like every other teenage girl on the planet. Ok, my FEET look like every other teenage girl on the planet…I see my face, I am NOT delusional. You are so judgmental! :)

But I have a new favorite "keep my feet warm in the winter" boot, which I believe is also very fashionable. And bonus? They are "do good" shoes.

I introduce you to my TOMS Nepal boots

First you need to know a little about TOMS if you don't already. TOMS has a simple mission. It's called One for One. You buy a pair of shoes, they help a person in need. It's truly that simple. But there is so much more to their company…their heart really shines through and that made an impact on me. I'll admit, at first I just thought it was a gimmick. And then I began to read. Yup, they are the real deal.

Now back to my boots.
Boots are fairly new to TOMS - if you have seen a teenager in the last few months, I'm sure she was wearing a pair of these. I'm not a huge fan (yet). 
But when they introduced boots they were speaking my love language baby. I had to give it a shot.
I love them. Love. With all my heart. They are stylish. They are trendy. AND they are warm.
They look good with jeans. They look good with leggings. Did I mention how warm they are? And they come in a plethora of colors and styles!
My oldest girl loved mine so much she asked for them for Christmas. I mean how could we say no? Cute boots. Decent price point. Help someone else. #winning

I know you can buy them all over the place online. But I encourage you to buy direct from TOMS. I don't know why, I just think putting money back in their pockets is going to benefit someone more than a big box store. They really are making a difference.

Go read more on their site. Then buy yourself some boots. Remember, you are helping someone else! Nudge-nudge.

Come back and tell me which pair you chose!
Here's to happy feet…and helping others!
p.s. did I mention our new puppy yet? :)



  1. OOOOOhhhhhh you're just EVIL!!! Boots AND puppies....GAH! I just ordered a pair of burgundy. :)

    1. ooooh yay you! i want to see when you get them :)

  2. Oh so very cute! Willow and the boots. I need more warm and puppy snuggles in my life. It's soooooo cold in East Aurora!

  3. I was too distracted by the super cute puppy!!!!!


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xo, lisa