21 February 2014

A Studio flood. Time to make the lemonade.

Yup, it really did it again. The rain came down and the floods came up.
My studio truly flooded again. Last night. Three inches of water. Things were floating. Not pretty. 

And although I could be really, really angry. And upset. Truly annoyed. Ticked off. And even discouraged. I'm TRYING to find the positive side in all of this. So I bring you... my Pollyanna moment. When life gives you lemons….yada yada yada….

The good thing about this flood it is…

  • My studio is moving anyway. Therefore this is a step one in "get organized" process.
  • I'm getting in extra workouts moving everything up and down the stairs.
  • I found leftover retired aka "vintage" StudioJewel necklaces so we can have another Instagram sale!
  • I got to clean the top of my bench!
  • And my lamps.
  • And my tools.
  • And my chair.
  • And my trays.
  • Etc etc etc - there was a lot of cleaning.
  • I found out I am more resilient than I used to be.
  • I discovered helpful teenagers who will come late at night (even when they are already in bed) to help mom.
  • I have a dedicated husband.
  • I have wonderful friends who came and set up fans and dehumidifiers ASAP!
  • I have a great church that cares about the space I am in.
  • Hopefully, I have an understanding customers who will understand when their order is a day or two late. :)
  • Jelly bellies taste really good when you're stressed out!
  • There are no mice in my studio. Because mice can't swim.
  • Neither can roaches.
  • When your back hurts from moving stuff, you forget your neck already hurt!
  • Most things will dry. Most.
  • My house is NOT flooded.
  • This is minor in the great scheme.
  • Rain means spring is coming!
So basically, I have nothing to complain about!
My new space should be done soon and this will all be a very wet memory in the past!

Now, pass the sugar…my lemonade is still a bit sour. And while you're at it…can I have some chocolate?

Here are some lovely photos for you to peruse!
here is the water still coming in.
anneke demonstrating the water level outside my door…thus the reason it's coming inside. hmmmm….
I had begun to pack up to move…that didn't really work in my favor. Dog bed = trashed.
at least I like my wellies!
ahhhh…the drying process….
the morning after…no aspirin needed….just fans and dehumidifiers and patience.



  1. I so feel for you!! It's a very good thing your studio space is moving, and that this was the plan... Imagine how it will feel to be set up in your new creative space, how wonderful it will feel and how it will certainly trigger a ton of new design ideas! How exciting this will be :-) Now go look at your FB... there's a little something to cheer you up :)

    1. you are so wonderful! thank you for the encouragement…and the treat! xo

    2. it's an ongoing lesson for myself!! :) trying to stay focused on the "good"!

  2. I RELATE - honest, I do. In our 38+ years as husband and wife, every single problem we've encountered in our marriage has involved water. No kidding. Years and years of leaky basements (never, ever enjoying the sound of distant thunder), overflowing washing machines, plugged drains, malfunctioning toilets, broken water heaters, dripping A/C pipes, leaky roofs and crumpled ceilings, burst hoses, bathtub overflows...um, shall I go on?

    I understand about running out of towels, pulling back carpet, running fans 24/7, sopping feet, getting mad at Cecil for no reason at all - just because I needed to blame someone, mumbling, grumbling, moaning, and groaning.

    Today, our basement is fixed, has been for about ten years now. (Not cheap by any means, but fixed, and worth every penny.) So now I LOVE the sound of drenching rain.

    Still no guarantees on the water heater not breaking down, remembering to make sure no stray socks found their way to the wash tub drain on laundry day, or the toilet not flushing properly, but I've lived through other catastrophes; I guess I'll live through another if/when it comes. (I've never been good at making lemonade, so I'm taking a lesson from you today.)

    One thing I'm especially thankful for this year: not living on low ground near the Grand River. This could be a bad year for those poor folks.

  3. Awesome way of looking at things. I do the very same thing to find the positive and move forward. I feel for you as I know water can be such a mess. You really have it together though and i enjoyed ever positive note you wrote. I'm sure once you move into your new studio all this will seem trivial.
    Best of luck and good wishes your way.


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xo, lisa