18 February 2014

Hi, I'm Lisa - let's start at the very beginning

I'll be honest. I haven't had the most stellar start to this year. 
More honestly. I feel as if I'm on one of those spinning rides at a carnival that you choose to get on, then it spins you so ferociously you can't wait to get off and then you feel like you want to throw up!

So I'm calling for a do-over. A fresh start. Allow me to introduce myself…
Hi, I'm Lisa
MAMA TO 4 "smalls".
Typically found with a camera in one hand…Starbucks in the other…a golden retriever by my side and slightly covered in silver dust. Guaranteed to be wearing fabulous boots and a smile on my face. 
check out this giant piece of quartz I found in Arizona! Think I can make a ring?
Now it's your turn. A roll call of sorts. I want to know YOU. You take time to come here. You take time to read my thoughts, ideas, recommendations. YOU. 

Introduce yourself and tell me one thing about you.
If you are reading from an email I know it requires one-more-click through to my actual blog. But will you do it? For me? Just say hi. Let me know you're there!

Love you to pieces,
~ lisa


  1. Hi, I'm another Lisa!

    I'm the one covered in copper dust, enamel, and white German Shepherd fur. I'm known to quote movies at random and you can find me wearing my garb at a Ren Fest at least 16 weekends a year.


  2. HI, I'm Tanya

    I'm a mother of two and a lab mix, wife, and accountant. I love anything outside and in the winter my passion is ice skating. I recently became a beachbody coach because I find too often that as a mom I don't do enough to take care of me so I can be around to be the best mom and wife I can be!

    1. awesome! i am in love with P90X right now! :)

  3. Hi, I'm Nathalie :)

    I'm a faery covered in silver, copper and gold dust... Mother of a blended family, Wife to my best friend who is the most magical man in the Universe. We have 4 adult kids and 2 fur babies (yorkies). Secretly coveting a spot on the Food Network as a celebrity chef, addicted to chocolate covered cherries, God, beach and nature lover.

    We too, had a rather not-too-stellar start of the year, and I'm in for a do-over :)

    Very nice to meet you!

  4. Hey Lisa! I'm April =)

    Mom, Step-Mom, chronically organized crafty business owner who is madly in love with her hubby and in desperate need of a full two weeks of school with no delays or snow days ... oh, and generally a fashion disaster covered in fabric!! ... Um, yes, do over please!!

  5. Hi! I'm Danielle. I work in academia, thrive in a world that is full of sparkle and craftiness, am an aunt to Brynn and Isaac, the oldest of 4 daughters, and a big fan of you! My favorite studiojewel piece will always be the "Child of God" stamped ring...because the blog that I discovered that piece on is one that I have bookmarked...makes me see that I am not alone when my depression kicks in. I am thankful you share your story with the world.

    1. you have no idea how much that means to me. xoxo

  6. Hi Lisa, I'm a graphic designer, sewer, and maker. My new favorite color is orange by de facto because I bought orange chairs from an architect going out of business. I now know things, like the fact that you can order kraft brown boxes with an orange stripe from Office Depot. I've had the same boyfriend for more than 16 years. We've had two great dogs. I co-founded a local artisan group. I'm blessed with wonderful friends. ~Heather

  7. Hi, I'm Judy. I love nature, gardening, bird watching, reading, and spending time with my best friend and the love of my life. I don't have a favorite food because I like many foods. We live in Arizona (the state you visited recently) and love our life here -- especially when winter is so entrenched in the north part of the country! Arizona is an unbelievably beautiful state with such varied ecosystems that I never tire of exploring all the different areas. I have family here, and our son lives in southern California. It is hard for me to believe that God should bless me to this extent that I can spend my "golden years" living here, serving in our church (The Grove in Chandler), teaching children about gardening and the unique area we live in and how to care for it, and spending time with friends and family. Hope you and your loved ones come visit us some time (soon)!!

    1. God is so good! and i'm so glad we connected…again! xoxo

  8. Hi,

    I am a total do over. I follow your blog, love your jewelry and inspired and touched by your struggle with depression. The reason I say I am a do over because I too suffer from severe depression and PTSD to such a degree that I lost all my memories, and have trouble remembering anything I hear or read or learn. After being in what I call another world (pretty much lunacy) I have come through, I still struggle but it is not as bad as it used to be for so many years. I am reborn and rebuilding my life slowly. I am a spiritualist, a dreamer and hopeful. I am mother of a 17 year old girl.

    1. sounds like you are a beautiful soul! keep dreaming. there's always hope! so nice to meet you :)

  9. Hi Lisa,

    I'm a huge fan of your blog and jewelry. Your my inspiration. I'm first a child of child before anything else. I'm newly engaged and seeking the encourage to also start my own handmade jewelry business/blog. I'm trying very hard to push through the fear. Thank you for all that you do.

    1. thank you nicole! so nice to meet you! i'm excited to see what you do!

  10. Sorry I'm re-doing my message. lol.

    I'm a huge fan of your blog and jewelry. Your my inspiration. I'm first a child of GOD before anything else. I'm newly engaged and seeking the courage to also start my own handmade jewelry business/blog. I'm trying very hard to push through the fear. Thank you for all that you do.

  11. Hey, I'm Elizabeth. You will find me covered in flour, baking up my creations at a darling bakery. Or teaching my little ones about live, love and Jesus. When they are tucked in their beds my artist self comes out and I can be found in a flurry of silks, paint and dreams.

    1. so beautiful elizabeth! i'm so glad we "met"!

  12. Hi again! I'm so very many things, and yet nothing much at the same time. It's the people in my life who make me special. I'm a sister, a cousin, an honorary aunt, a best friend, a confidant, and the employee that's always willing to help out in anyway I can. Even if it means driving through a snow storm. This winter has been tough...

    I love books, art, music, and am constantly in awe of the people who create art of any kind. I look for beauty in everything, and am rarely disappointed with what I see. At the same time, it's the little, every day things- a pair of earrings that look a bit like my curly hair, the bracelet made with the exact shade of green that makes my heart sing- these simple, wonderful things blow my mind and make my heart sing.

  13. Hi! I'm Mary. I found your blog through Pinterest (I don't know how long ago) by way of a pic of your tattoos and have been following your creations and writing ever since. Hoosier by birth, living in Nashville, TN these days. I, too, am an artist (sketching, painting, woodworking, jewelry making, etc.), I'm working on getting my massage therapy license, love to hike, drink lots of coffee, and love Jesus :)

    1. how fun! i'm so glad you are here! thank you for introducing yourself!

  14. Hi Lisa! My name is Debbie, I live in Oregon, with my husband and 9 year old doxi named Kirby. I have 3 grandchildren. I love your blog! You are a sensitive artist, just my kind of person...I also have your etsy site as a favorite. I love hand made stuff! especially jewelry, your fashion sense is super! As a Libra, I'm a lover of the arts. Its so nice to say hi!

    1. awwww…thank you so much! i'm glad you introduced yourself! thanks for being here :)

  15. Jill. Still living in this snow hell we call Grand Rapids. Surrounded my kids. Thinking of adding a dog. Lover of fashion, cheap wine, good chocolate and fluent in sarcasm. Missing your smiling family around these parts :)

  16. Hi Lisa,
    My name is Tammy. I am a Preschool Teacher during the week and cashier on weekends.Love clothes and jewelry. Single mom. 2 dogs, 2 cats, and a breaded dragon are the pets in the house.

    1. hi Tammy!! sounds like your house is full of furry love!

  17. Hi Lisa!

    My name it Tori and I am married to the most amazing guy in the world and have 3 awesome, wonderful and amazing children and our sweet little Dexter dog. My family is extremely important to me and so is having a job and life of my own. It can be very hard some days to manage it all but I try. I love food of all types, photography (of course, who doesn't?) and working with my husband. I am a fashion lover but not good at putting it all together so I am very glad my husband (Mike, who is adorable!) helps me out a lot!

    I miss you and wish you still lived over here in Michigan!!!!! Please let me know when you are back in town. I would love to see you! I love reading your blog and you make me smile, laugh, cry and always make me wish you were still here! I love you dearly and miss you my friend!


    1. awwww…i miss you too friend. so much! love you to pieces!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you have an email attached to your comment I can connect with you!

Otherwise, feel free to email ME! hello@StudioJewel.com

xo, lisa