15 April 2014

How I choose which pieces of jewelry to sell - And what you need for spring STAT

There is snow on the ground. Snow. It's April 15. Am I being punked?
I can hardly think spring or summer fashion when I see snow. But there are two pieces new to my line that you NEED for spring.

First I wanted to give you a little insight in how I choose which pieces I offer for sale.
I design a lot of jewelry. A lot. And actually very little makes it to the Studio Jewel line.
Here's how it plays out.
Design pops in head. Design makes it to paper. Design sits on floor on said piece of paper for 3-6 months. Design finally makes it to bench.
The fun part? Trying to figure out how the vision in my head works in the metal. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it does not. I love this part of the process. Because by this time I have truly thought about this design a great deal, so watching it come to fruition is one of those YES moments!

When it's finished…if I do in fact like it…I'll take a photo. That photo first hits my instagram feed. They truly are my "in the know" peeps. You can follow me…I'm StudioJewel.
If the feedback is decent, the photo makes it to my Facebook fan page. Here I get more honest feedback which I ALWAYS listen to. You can find my fan page here

Then the design hits the true test. The wear test. I will typically wear a new piece for 2-3 weeks before I actually put it on my website or in my Etsy shop. I need to know that it fits. That it wears well. That it's comfortable. And that I cannot live without it. Once it meets those requirements. Viola! It becomes for sale!

Two new designs that I am over the moon in love with are the silver cuff with gold accents, and the monogram Chevron necklace.

This cuff I wear every single day. I wear it with jeans. I wear it with a dress. I've worn it out for fancy dinner and to a baseball game. Versatile. Beautiful. Perfect for stacking. You need it. Your mom needs it. Your wife needs it. Recycled sterling silver and 10 karat gold accents in yellow and rose gold.  Link here.
The chevron necklace. Literally, I was in angst debating if the jewelry world needed yet one more chevron necklace. I actually designed it while having my hair colored by my amazing stylist. She had just had a baby. She wanted just an initial. She is young and beautiful and trendy and this idea popped in my head. It turned out better than I imagined. So…I made one for my new "niece to be" as a new bride monogram necklace. And - of course - I made one for myself…except I oxidized the chain. I wear it EVERY day. Totally in love. Every female on the planet needs this necklace. Ok, maybe I'm a bit biased…but this is the "it" necklace I've been looking for! Link here. ps this is Chelsea…see how gorgeous she is?
Today is tax day. If you get my newsletter you received a sweet special code for discount good only TODAY April 15. What? You really don't get the newsletter? Seriously, I thought we were friends! Ok, fine…here's the link…go sign up now and I'll pretend you've been there the whole time. Shoot, I'll even give you the code. It's totes worth it…and you can get a start on your spring accessories or your Mother's Day gift…did I mention the cut off for Mother's Day is this week? 

Love you to pieces…thanks for reading!


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xo, lisa