23 April 2014

My new jewelry studio, my favorite thing

I am giddy. Over the moon. Geeky excited. Ecstatic. Pumped up.
It's almost finished. Almost. But I'm THERE! In the space! Working!

I have so much to tell you about my journey to this point. But right now? Right now I just need to BE. Be in that space. Organizing and completing orders. Have I mentioned I'm a bit behind.

Please be patient with me. THIS is monumental.

We went from this…
…to this…
...to THIS!

…and THIS!
I have a lot of organizing to do. Then there are shelves to install. Cabinet doors to hang. But I'm getting there. My husband is amazing…he coordinated the entire thing. Every facet. Every detail. I could not be more grateful. And you? Thanks for journeying with me!

Love you to the moon!



Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you have an email attached to your comment I can connect with you!

Otherwise, feel free to email ME! hello@StudioJewel.com

xo, lisa