17 April 2014

What's next. Who am I. Introspection.

This has been a tough week. I'm not exactly sure why, but everything feels like a struggle. I find myself either close to tears or ready to explode. Strange combo.

You know how sometimes things just "catch up" with you. You go. Go. Go. And then...for me…there's a crash. Of course I constantly…and I mean constantly…worry about a depression crash. For as much as I don't love taking medication I am not willing to ever risk NOT taking it. I just can't let myself go there.
So for right now I struggle.

And the struggle seems to be significance. Not necessarily my own significance. But if I'm making a difference. If I'm making the people around me FEEL significant. Fail.

It's funny. We did our taxes. My first thought was…"that's a lot of jewelry"…my second thought was, "did I make an impact on those people?"
I've screwed up in life. I've made big mistakes. I've experienced grace and forgiveness and I live under the freedom of that gift. Now? Now I want to make a difference. I want to live a life that makes a mark…on people. Not to be recognized. Not to make more money. But to make others smile. To make others feel significant. To let you know you are loved.
But am I doing that?

Am I doing that with my husband? Does he feel significant? Does he feel loved and supported and encouraged? FAIL.
What about my kids? Do they know they are loved unconditionally? Do they know how much I treasure them? FAIL.
How about the people I pass in the grocery store? Or on the road? 
What about the people I converse with online? FAIL. FAIL. FAIL.

This is where the negative thoughts come in. I'm failing. I get angry. I get frustrated. I get selfish. I'm not doing "enough". 
And then I get angry at THOSE thoughts. Because I know that I am in fact enough.
See the vicious cycle?

I'm a pretty introspective person. I work alone most of the time and I love it. I enjoy listening to music, and sermons, I even like the silence.
But lately the silence is deafening. Sometimes self talk is not helpful and more like destructive. And I'm not in the best of places.

I think "life" has caught up with me. Moving. Crashing. Change from homeschool mom to "regular" school mom. Crazy busy business. Horrid awful studio conditions. Floods. More moving. Losing a fur baby. Gaining a fur baby. Teenagers. Hormones…mine AND theirs. Supporting my man. Finding my place.

Today I started thinking about what I needed to change in my attitude. First I prayed that God would show me more of what His intent is for my life. That I'd stop looking at MY intent…and be more aware of His plan. Then I thought I would ask those around me what they think of when they think of me…I wanted honesty. I think they were being nice…regardless…it brought me to tears.

Maybe. Just maybe. I am being used. 
Maybe. Just maybe. I can make a difference.

ONE WORD to describe me. ONE WORD that came to mind. That's what I asked for.
My word from your responses? OVERWHELMED.
Whether I believe all these words or not...well, actually that is irrelevant. It is giving me something to aspire to. Something to strive for. Something to help me finish my race.

Thank you for being just the encouragement I needed. You gave me what I needed for this day…
…so let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12.1
Thank you friend. You.Are.Loved.



  1. keep that wordle
    return to it when the voices come knocking with accusations
    those voices lie
    return to love
    that IS His truth

    1. i will. and thank you!! i know the truth in my head…sometimes there's a heart disconnect.

  2. Yesterday I told you that you were inspirational and his blog just proves it. You aren't afraid to come out of your shell and be a voice for someone else that isn't as brave. You see, I lost my precious sister-in-law a little over a year ago that just couldn't deal with it any longer. So anything that you do that helps you as well as others is a blessing. Keep on making a difference and an impact on others. Prayers of love and peace.

  3. Lisa you give joy to people. When I see a post from you I think happy thoughts because I think of your creativity and your gentle spirit. When I see your works I know how hard you had to wok to get that circle so perfect or that stone set so beautifully. Don't be so hard on yourself. I know that is hard to do. I take meds too after working for over 39 years teaching and managing the lives of severely developmentally disabled people. Did I give enough - pass. Do you give enough - pass. Run your race with the joy set before you.

  4. Your posts and pictures always make me smile and your honesty about struggles is refreshing. God bless you, Lisa, you're not alone with all these thoughts! We all have them! Grace and Peace to you!

    1. thank you friend. that means a great deal. xo


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xo, lisa