03 July 2014

Who are YOU and how can we best stay connected - ask lisa

Blogging is weird. I've been doing it for YEARS. I adore writing, but I know the blogger platform isn't the best. I know those of you who subscribe get emails from lisajl32@gmail.com WHAT? I can't seem to perfect it. I can't seem to change it. But I keep blogging along hoping…waiting…to be saved from my blogging abyss by someone much savvier and techy-er than me!

In the meantime - I want to know about YOU! How did you get here? A friend? Pinterest? My website? Etsy? Twitter? Instagram? How did you come to this tiny corner on the internet? And what makes you come back? What would make you even happier?

What I love about this space is that it is so much more than "what I do". It's a piece of who I am. Wife. Mom. Daughter. Artist. Thinker. Survivor. 

I'm not looking for a "lisa you're so awesome" comment - LOL - pahleeeeese. I'm looking for YOU!

And if you want to stay even more connected - I have a newsletter that I write about 2-3 times a month. A few updates. Little snippets. And best of all, insight to ANY secret sales I might be having. Last night I announced my Christmas in July sale! HO HO HO. If you go to my website and fill out the form your in! AND…you get a 25% off gift certificate to use later! I'm never spammy. And I wouldn't DREAM of ever sharing your info. You're special to me. I want to protect that.
So go ahead. Sign up for the newsletter. And more importantly let me know about you in the comments below. Make sure you have an email attached to your comment. I'll be choosing someone to win a $50 gift certificate to my shop just for humoring me!

Happy 4th of July weekend American friends!



  1. I found you a year ago through a friend...and Etsy! Now I will sign up for your newsletter. Jkmerritt22@gmail.com. Who am I? Wife, mom, farmer, wine promoter, slow runner, determined, Agvocate (agriculture advocate), daughter of the King.

  2. I knew John back in the day from a singing group at Calvary Church. I bought the double circle necklace for my twin sister, Sheila, for Christmas. It turned out GREAT! sharonwillis4@gmail.com

  3. I can't remember how I found you but most likely through Etsy! If I come across a shop I like I find them On FB and like them there too :) I love you style and the simplicity- it is things I would wear or buy for my girls!

  4. I found you gosh, quite a while ago! I think I stumbled across you on Etsy when I was looking at rings. Your style is so incredibly timeless. I love it all :) Someday I want to own one of your gorgeous swirl rings, the one with aquamarine. It's my birthstone but I've never actually OWNED any jewelry with my birthstone in it, lame, right? lol So someday, that's on my list. I love your FB page and following you on IG, you are so fun and I always love seeing your posts everywhere :) (and I do receive your newsletter gullofthesea@hotmail.com). Thank you for being awesome, Lisa!

  5. I am a jewelry fanatic!! Love your timeless style and that it is handcrafted locally!!

  6. I found you via a friend on Facebook - I admired your Hebrew "Child of God" ring for a very long time before I finally purchased it for myself. I wear it daily. I am also a business owner (www.facebook.com/faithsoapsandlove) and take great inspiration from your posts!

  7. i can't remember how I found you - probably saw it on Facebook. But now I"m a stalker. You're such an inspiration and I love your style. I've been kinda watchin' your shop for wedding ring potentials.. or maybe just engagement ring. LOL!! I'm 54 and saying 'boyfriend' is just weird suddenly. Man person. The man. whatevs. haha... My birthstone is peridot - would that be gacky?? Rock on!! Happy July!

  8. Hmmm, how did I find you? I think it was through Facebook. I have a pair of your earrings that I constantly get complimented on. Love your work and follow all your new stuff...big hints get sent to the hubs for gift ideas :)

  9. I love your jewelry. You are so talented! Have you ever thought of selling some of your items in any local stores here in FW? That would really cool. I am a stay-at-home mom who loves to shop all the time for just about anything you can think of. That's why Target is so great....they have everything! :-) I do receive your newsletter.

  10. I am from Michigan and I follow you on Facebook, receive your new letters, and on Etsy. I really don't remember how I came across your jewelry but I love it!!!!

  11. Oh and my email is: dewittda@yahoo.com

  12. I think I first met you at the Type A Parent conference in Asheville. I'm a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom.

  13. I stumbled across you on Twitter while I was doing Body Beast when you were. I then followed you over to Facebook. I love your blogging it is so inspiring. I now own one of your rings and love it. I am a mother of 3 and a stepmom to 3 more. I work as a Respiratory Therapist full-time and a beachbody coach too. Now I am signed up for your newsletter. xtineblundon@yahoo.com

  14. Ok my comment from earlier obviously did not stick so I am going to try it again! Lisa....I really enjoyed getting your e-mail last night catching up on your summer and cluing me in on your upcoming sale (which is right after my birthday, and I know that cannot be a coincidence). After reading your e-mail, I enjoyed sitting back and relaxing, peacefully, and purusing the store again while making my mental wish list. Pretty shiny things help me get through my days. I am a full-time attorney at a busy litigation firm and a mom of one three and a half year old daughter. I spend my days working my tail off and my evenings enjoying spending time with my little princess. We enjoy dress ups, summer, hiking, Halloween, hot chocolate, small animals, peanut butter, glitter, dogs, laying in the hammock and the beach (the Outer Banks to be exact). Im am from snowy Buffalo, but won't part with my four seasons for anything. I love Tori Amos and driving around in my car during the fall. I twirl my rings when I get nervous to keep myself from biting my fingernails. I found your shop through my best friend/Twinnie Caitlyn Lawton who grew up with me before leaving for Denmark and who I am lucky to have back in the area now. My e-mail is senorton07@gmail.com and I love the newsletter.

  15. If I remember correctly, I found you through Musings of a Housewife. When I'm not busy being a wife and mom, I work in a school so summer is my favorite time to relax and catch up on the rest of my life. My kids are close to the ages of yours so I especially like your posts about finding appropriate clothes for girls! susanthompson4@comcast.net

    1. congrats SUSAN! Random.org picked you! woot woot. just email for the details :) xoxoxoxo

    2. Thank you so much! I'm not sure where to send the email to. How do I take advantage of this wonderful gift?

  16. I first found you on Etsy, then on FaceBook, then Pinterest. OOOO, that makes me sound like I'm following you, oh wait, I am! LOL!
    I enjoy your commentaries...life...family...and how your jewelry expresses who you are! I am a messianic follower of the King.
    I live in the Pacific Northwest, I only wear jewelry made by hand, I support handmade, creativity, and warm loving people! I have three grandchildren. love, love and LOVE!
    and this is where I say....I think you are an amazing talented lady. (I know you weren't asking...but there you have it anyway!) Have a blessed holiday! :-) Deb denhdebh@gmail.com

  17. I had the pleasure of being your Discussion Leader in BSF for a year. You were my most challenging group member(not really). I also remember your kids when they were much shorter than they are now. Your sister is one of my favorite people in the world. I enjoy keeping up with your family through facebook. I love your jewelry and someday will own some.

  18. weird - I don't think that my previous comment "saved" I'm Brenda and I'm your friend ~ I love french onion chip dip and chocolate :D

  19. I am so grateful that I got to see you at the man child's graduation party!!

  20. I'm so glad we met at Type A years ago and have loved reading your blog, making my wish list from your Etsy shop, and following along on FB! I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

  21. Hi Lisa! Honestly, I don't remember how or where I first heard of you. Probably someone mentioned you on twitter (or twitter recommended you...I've found some fabulous people to follow through twitter recommendations). It was years ago. I do connect via facebook and email subscription, too. (I love your emails because they are only a couple of times a month at most. I hate daily or even weekly emails. Plus, they're interesting to read.)

    About me? I live in Texas. I love the summer heat, even though I can't stay out in it long. I'm a natural redhead. I'm a stay at home mom of three boys. I love baseball and love that my three boys play baseball. I play the French horn in a community band (I have a concert later today!) I like to sew and bake and I LOVE to read! I used to blog but realized after a few years that while I like to write, and am a good writer, it's not my passion and there are better things I can be spending time on. I still have my blog active and occasionally post when I just have to get the words out. I've considered opening an Etsy shop but I'm better at coming up with ideas than following through with them.

  22. I found your blog through a friend, who posted a picture of your jewelry on facebook.. and I absolutely fell in love with it. Haven't been able to afford anything yet, but I definitely want something - eventually! =-)

  23. I found your blog through a link in another blog, a couple years ago. I remember being interested because you were just moving to FW at the time, and I lived in the FW area. Just two weeks ago, I moved away from my hometown in Indiana, where I lived for 23 years, and moved back to the tiny Iowa town where I was born. It's been a strange adjustment, but I'm loving my new/original hometown and I believe God's hand is in this, so we'll see how it plays out!

    Hmm...about me? I love God, reading, writing, being outside, and obscure humor. I like to say I have a binary brain and I think truth trees, because everything is about logic for me. But I try to make sure my heart is in the right place as well. I enjoy art and crafts and I LOVE your jewelry! Happy 4th of July!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you have an email attached to your comment I can connect with you!

Otherwise, feel free to email ME! hello@StudioJewel.com

xo, lisa