04 August 2014

A weekend recap in photos

I haven't done a weekend recap in forever! And this weekend was almost blissfully perfect. How was yours?
Many of these photos were on Instagram…you can follow here in "real time"!
My guy is feeling a bit better - at least enough to get out and hit the farmers market for a bit. Isn't he the cutest? (dress is from Golden Tote…see last weeks post!)

And this was the sweetest little market in the town of Roanoke. My jewelry is carried in a store there called Trove (great boutique btw) so it was fun to see the people that call this town home! My latest obsession…peaces and cherries. To.Die.For.
And the smallest person came with us. She knows when you go out with mom and dad alone…treats happen!
She's "totes adorbs" said in my best tween voice.

There's a store in Roanoke called Dahlia Sage…seriously. My smallests persons name is Tahlia Sage! Naturally we took a photo and went in and introduced ourselves to one of the nicest humans ever!
My sweet baby birds…nesting on my wreath on my front door. I even posted a sign that say's "shhhh, baby birds". UPS man completely ignores it though. The nerve!
Sunday's start out all frilly and fro-fro…I love this dress from altar'd state! One of my online favs.
And then strangely…my dress from yesterday showed up on my tall middle girl. Yup…she "steals" my clothes! If that doesn't make you feel old…I don't know what will!
But then it was time for my game face! Playing softball with the man-child and my oldest girl is one of the true highlights of life. I get all proud and stuff.
So that was my weekend. How was yours? Ready to get back at it?
But first…there IS farmers market pie leftover. Makes for a perfect breakfast…right?

Tomorrow we will discuss a small large problem I have. No, it's not boots. This time…it's denim. Oh dear.


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