06 August 2014

Smokey Roasted Chicken Tacos with Spicy Goat Cheese Queso from How Sweet it Is

I'll admit it. I love food. Good food. Delicious full of mouth watering flavor food. And I love to be in the kitchen. Therefore I cook. None of this is rocket science right? I also use online recipe sites to research fun things to make…as well as the reviews…always read the reviews! But…I only subscribe to a few cooking blogs. Not everyone resonates with me. Except Jessica.

When I first read How Sweet It Is…I thought…this girl and I…we could totally be BFF's. Okay, I probably could just be her big sister…yes, her much older sister…but regardless there's a connection. For me. Not her. She doesn't know I exist. Anyway…digressing. I love the way Jessica writes. It's my style. Conversational. Fun. Quirky. But her recipes? Amazing. Her photography? Perfect. She even has a cookbook coming out in September called Seriously Delish - preorder it…I did!
And this meal? Well, just trust me and go get the ingredients and make it. Like tonight. I mean I didn't even have time to take a photo of my own. Meal devoured. Man happy. Small people happy. Mama happy. See how that works? Man child came home from work yesterday and inhaled three more tacos just for lunch! We will have food again when he leaves for college…right?
photo from HowSweetEats.com

Click here to go to Jessica's site for the recipe - her photos are amazing and her recipe is printable. Lazy blogging today. Lisa wins. 

My tips?

  • Jessica recommends using chicken thighs. Do it. She's right. They were perfect.
  • I made the chicken the night before. Smokey flavor enhanced. #winning.
  • I laid off on the jalepenos a little bit. We like spice…well some of us do…some of THEM do not. I was nice. 
  • Don't skip the goat cheese because it seems different. I LOVE goat cheese and it adds such a unique flavor! You MUST try it if it's new to you. Delish!
I did pair the tacos with Mexican Sour Cream Rice from allrecipes.com - I changed it up a little to make it more Lehmann friendly. No green chiles. Out of cilantro. But again. This recipe? Total win.

So you're welcome. I just planned one of your meals for the week. And this one will totally be created often in my house!

Go to Jessica's site. Add it as a favorite. Subscribe. All those good things. You won't be disappointed. Pinky swear.



  1. It's in the oven now! Can't wait!

  2. It's a keeper! Made for visiting family. Everyone loved it!


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xo, lisa