20 November 2014

How to be in the know when it comes to Studio Jewel

It's that time of year and I'm already feeling the pressure of Christmas. I love it. I hate it. I think I plan for it…mentally. Yet I never do. But really…YOU never want the same thing. So basically? It's your fault! Just being full out honest here! {wink}

It is the time of year I travel from studio to kitchen to studio to bed, with an occasional bathroom break. One thing I'm exceedingly grateful for this year? My new studio! I don't have to go out in the frigid temps. I don't have to worry about floods. I don't have to battle swarms of flies or scurrying mice. It's perfection. 

All of that being said means the blogging gets pushed to the wayside and the jewelry production goes wild! Bring on the fire!

I do have some special offers coming up. For Black Friday and Cyber Monday and some one of a kind pieces that will be available to you!

However, there is a catch. Catch is kinda a stupid word. Because I'm not trying to catch you or trick you. Really...I value you and the fact that you take the time to read my ramblings. And I value those who actually read my newsletter that goes out a few times a month. So I don't want to broadcast my specials for all to hear. I want them to be just that…special. For those of you who share my space and I consider friends. 

In order to find out the details of what's happening you will need to subscribe to my newsletter. No gimmicks. No sales-y pitch. No…but wait…there's more. Just a private space to share.

If you have not signed up yet…click here ----> HERE. If I knew how to make a flashy button I totally would…but alas, not my skill set! Or click the image right below this text. If you are new, you will even get a 25% off coupon to use on your first purchase. Not too shabby.
Join me?
This isn't a game for me. And if you know me at all, you totally understand. I like to think of it as if I had my own storefront in which you have to actually open the door and come in. It's like this:
You see the warm glowing light in the store. You hear music playing. People laughing. The jewelry in the window is beautiful and fun. Nothing like you have seen before. You hesitate. But you decide to take your chances and walk inside. The vintage sleigh bells ring as you open the aqua turquoise wood door. Once inside your senses light up. Smells of coffee and cinnamon. The white twinkling lights strung from the branches above are so inviting. The golden retrievers look up attentively as you walk in, but they don't bother you…just wag their tails in welcome. The Christmas music plays in the background. The mannequins in the corner are dressed in colorful scarves and draped with necklaces. I put down my tools and walk up and introduce myself…offering you a coffee or hot chocolate. Then I leave you alone. To play. To touch. To try on. This is your space now.  I'm just grateful you decided to come in.
That's my newsletter. Will you join me?


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xo, lisa