11 November 2014

Random Musings. 25 things about me you never wanted to know!

Twenty five things ABOUT ME that maybe you didn't know - or really want to know. But…I always think it's good to get to know each other better…right? But here's the deal…don't judge. I know I'm quirky! But quirky is endearing, right?

How about this. YOU leave a comment and be entered to win a "fancy bangle bracelet". How's that? It's sort of a win win!

  • Name - Lisa Jan Lehmann
  • Location - Fort Wayne, IN (middle of no where!)
  • Hometown - Wyckoff, NJ (yes I'm a jersey girl…do you have a problem with that?)
  • Current Occupation - artist / goldsmith / jewelry maker
  • Past Occupation - graphic artist 
  • My style - Bohemian chic with an hint of understated classic
  • Typical "Uniform" - skinny jeans…boots…tank top…sweater
  • Favorite coffee - Americano - quad - topped with cold skim
  • Favorite food splurge - chocolate anything (too easy? 2nd favorite? donuts!)
  • Favorite splurge - boots (don't we know each other at all!)
  • Favorite music - I'm so eclectic, I really love so many kinds … currently modern cello and strings.
  • ALWAYS in my kitchen - fruit / hummus / Pelegrino / avocados
  • Travel outside of the USA - Greece. Italy. Switzerland. Netherlands. Mexico.
  • Dream vacation - Tahiti.
  • Favorite weather - slightly overcast. warm breeze. 80˚.
  • Pet Peeves - dirty microwaves. dishes in the sink. people who don't put their shopping carts away.
  • What makes me smile - a kind word. a warm hug. feeling loved. seeing my children laugh. puppy noses. elderly couples holding hands.
  • Favorite date - simple quiet restaurant. booth. glass of wine. "pretty" food. walk under the moon.
  • Cats or Dogs - DOGS! Golden Retrievers specifically…then horses!
  • Inspired by - sunrises and sunsets. mountains. leaves. pomegranates. ( I mean seriously…they are so cool!)
  • Obessions - tattoos. fitness. essential oils.
  • Quiet or Loud? always quiet.
  • Morning or Evening? evening.
  • Black or White? gray.
  • Peanuts or Popcorn. Peanuts.
Now it's your turn. Tell me one of the above things about yourself! I'll pick someone on Friday, November 14.2014.



  1. Kristin Troska (kristony@hbci.com). I was adopted at 6 weeks the day before Thanksgiving as a complete surprise to my entire extended family. My mom walked out to lunch with everyone there with tiny me in her arms. I am married, live on the river, have 3 kitties, like books, movies, and comics. Such a pretty bangle. Thanks for the chance to win.

  2. Inspired by - my daughters

  3. Love jazz! Hometown: Holderness, NH

  4. Hometown- Anaheim Ca (a famous mouse if from there)
    Former Registered Dental Assistant
    Follower of JC!
    Fave Food Mexican!

  5. My favourite coffee is also Americano...with just a splash of cream. :) steph(dot)macdonald99(at)gmail(dot)com
    Thanks; I dream of winning some of your jewelry! It's beautiful!

  6. I have the same pet peeves - plus I'm a blinker "Nazi." Use it or no anything for you. Love boots too. Only been to Mexico, but trying to get to Greece and Peru soon. Favorites places: the mountains, the beach and anywhere I can take a walk with someone I love.

  7. Dogs of cats. Definitely dogs! I have three. Gordy my Corgi mix, Marvin my Pek, and Tuesday my Golden. They are all laying in bed with me now.

  8. location: Bryn Mawr, PA
    hometown: Rockingham, VT
    cats or dogs: Cats! although I do like dogs as well.
    pet peeves: I'm with you on the dirty dishes in the sink, makes me nuts!! another one is when signs or flyers are left up AFTER an event has already happened!!

  9. I just wrote a list and Google comments swallowed it. :(
    I'll just go with hometown: Vigo County, IN; and obsessions: books, yoga, road trips.

  10. Favorite Music: I love Rap music. No one would guess that this mom was a major Rap fan. I love Eminem, Jay Z, Kayne West.

  11. Inspiration- my son, favorite food- pie, style- classic :)

  12. I love the rain it is so calming to me

  13. Location: Sweetser, IN, about 55-60 miles south from Ft.Wayne. You have inspired me in my journey to self teach in the art of jewelry making.

  14. I'm a Jersey girl too! (but you already knew that) How about this: I'm allergic to every mascara except Bare Minerals. :)

  15. Early mornings and late evenings!

  16. I totally thought gray to myself as I read the "black or white" question and then saw your answer.

  17. Love this and loved learning more about you. Here's one of those about me.

    Current occupation: Founder of FoodThrive.org a non-profit that believes every person on the planet deserves access to healthy foods. I'm working with local communities to provide fresh fruits and vegetables for those in need.

  18. What makes me smile: Kindness...it's magic. :)

  19. Travel: France, Belgium, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Corfu, Gran Canaria, Jordan, India, St Lucia, Mexico

  20. Jamie Lieberman - also a jersey girl who wants those bracelets! :)

  21. My daughter has the same pet peeve as you regarding the shopping carts not being put away. Drives her crazy! Mine is when people don't put the utensils in the right compartments in the drawer. Strange I know.

  22. My favorite food splurge is anything with butter and sugar in it - brownies, chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies, you name it I'm eating it. ;)

  23. Obsession:helping others, loving animals and children

  24. Ok...peanuts or popcorn??? Me - DEFINITELY popcorn! My favorite food! (I do love almonds though :)

  25. Favorite coffee: Starbucks Ived Skinny Vanilla Latte' 3 Pumps, Light Whip!! Yum! ❤️

  26. Hometown: Palo Alto, CA
    Past Occupation: Teacher
    Favorite Coffee: Vanilla Latte
    Favorite Splurge: Boots or anything by Hayden Harnett
    Cats or Dogs: Dogs! Especially our silly 7 year old Yellow Lab who I know would love your Goldens!
    Quiet or Loud: Quiet
    Black or White: Black

  27. I have 4 kids and no pets (who needs pets when you have kids?!) And we homeschool. I watched the One Direction movie with my girls 3 times.

  28. I'll play! Here are a few:

    Past Occupation: Chemist (worked in the lab at a pharmaceutical company)
    Favorite Coffee: Caramel frappucino (the only drink with coffee that I like. I LOVE the smell of coffee but hate to drink it)
    Favorite Music: Orchestral music, especially the Doctor Who soundtracks
    Favorite Weather: Sunny and warm. I am definitely a summer girl!
    Quiet or loud: Quiet. Always quiet.

  29. pet peeve - sitting down to NO TOILET PAPER. Uh huh.
    coffee - caramel machiato
    music - so many. For writing, I love the tangos by Piazolla

    ang.england at yahoo dot com

  30. I love my lips! My dentist commented on them once years ago and it stuck with me -- that he sees a lot of lips, and if he thought mine were great, then I must at least have that going for me! :) The power of a compliment!


  31. Current occupation; Slaving away at a desk job while owning a craft store and dreaming of being able to make it work so I can have that as my source of income. Current obsession: taking care of my two beautiful Great Dane dogs and living my dream with my man.

  32. Random fact you may not know about me: EVERY SINGLE TIME I see a cart that isn't put where it is supposed to be I think of you. And if I even THINK about not putting my own cart away, your little face appears in my head with a dirty look in your eye and I return it ;)

    1. i totally snorted when i read that! i'm STILL laughing!!!

  33. You my dear Lisa ARE amazing. I have loved you and admired you up close and from afar. I love you and your awesome family.

  34. Past occupation: Design Engineer in the Automotive industry
    Current occupation: Design Engineer in the mothering industry ;)

  35. What makes me smile- Watching my husband when he gets home from work interact with our 2 puppies,such beautiful unconditional love.....
    My obsessions- beads, shoes/boots, other's artisan jewelry(even though I create jewelry myself, I LOVE other artist's pieces) and plants,plants,plants

  36. Lisa - I love your blog. Really takes me away. I especially love reading about and trying out your beauty finds. I'll have to go with the shopping carts too. I always put mine away because I watch those poor young guys straining their backs to return them and I hurt too. Love, Kat

  37. Sunny days and beautiful sky anytime of day or night
    Date-walking anywhere. Sitting in a canoe while my husband fishes.

  38. I am 44 - wife to awesomeness, mom to 5 (4 original + 1 in-law), nona to 4 AND I want to be an artist when I grow up :) I'm finally getting back to my art after years of leaving it on the back burner (raising kids, homeschooling for a time, helping my 11 year old battle cancer and 2 subsequent relapses - now 18 and in remission currently, PTL!). YOU ARE AN ENCOURAGEMENT AND INSPIRATION TO ME - thank you! I had to chuckle at how many of these I would have answered very similarly….yes!… gray all the way! And ALWAYS in my kitchen: avocados, sweet potatoes, almond butter, and black licorice

  39. Favorite Music: I like a lot of music, but lately I've been listening to a lot of P!nk, both her solo stuff, and her collaboration work (going by her given name, Alecia Moore) with Dallas Green as the duo You+Me.

  40. #345 i am more comfortable living outside the US than in it, even though I adore my country. I find the simplicity of life abroad to be soothing to my soul. -- Corey Birger aka la_loquita


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you have an email attached to your comment I can connect with you!

Otherwise, feel free to email ME! hello@StudioJewel.com

xo, lisa