11 February 2011

I wanna know what LOVE is - and I LOVE my dogs.

Not to a pet owner. 
We love our fur babies. They make us happy. They bring us joy. They even comfort.
How can that be?

Do they think? Do they feel? Do they know?

I don't have the answers to those questions. I DO know that my two golden retrievers make me smile on a regular basis. From the "TH-wack TH-wack TH-wack" of their tails in the morning, you would think I've been gone for days, not just sleeping through the night! And the goofy golden smile...it just gets me every time!

But one of the things I love the best? The way they interact with my kids. 
With a LOVE and devotion so pure. 

Why don't we love like that?
Why is our love so conditional at times?

Our pets don't care what color we are. If we lisp. If our hair is matted.
They don't care if we have our make up on our not.
They forgive us for stepping on their tails, or forgetting to fill their water dish.

Unconditional. Pure.

There is a lesson to be learned in this. Whether it's a dog or a cat, a horse or a bird. Animals have no preconceived notions of the way things SHOULD be. 

They truly live in the now. They want to please you in the NOW. They want to be pleased in the NOW. They are very present. Very aware.

They sense our fear. They sense our pain. They sense our happiness and joy.

Quite simply....they bring us joy. As well as seek to bring joy to themselves...they can be so naughty!

So what is love?
Pure unadulterated love from a creature created by God...given to us to care for. 

So go...
care for them....love them...take them for an extra walk...and give them a treat. They will DEFINITELY thank you for it!

My friend Kelly makes these amazing dog leashes and collars and toys. Ah-MAZ-ING. You can check out her goodies here at Green Dog Pet Accessories.


  1. Thank you for this post. I came home after an icky day at work to find that my "high energy" ACD raided & massacred several shoes from the closet. I've been mad at him all night but this helped me remember that he's focused on the now & just doesn't understand why I'm not as happy to see him as he is to see me. Think I'll go get him a treat now.

  2. yay jill. they can be so stinkin' naughty...but they are just dogs...and loved!


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xo, lisa