24 October 2013

No words.

Sometimes there are just no words. 
Sometimes I just really have nothing to say. 

I always try to write what is on my heart. 
I try to write about what excites me.

I try to write about something I want you to know!

I never want you to read out of obligation. 

Therefore, I don't want to write out of obligation.

Win-win. Right?

Sometimes my creativity manifests itself in my head. 

A rumble tumble of ideas, thoughts, designs. 
Sometimes that comes out in the form of words. 

But lately, that creativity has flown out of my hands. 

Ideas they didn't even make it to paper… just right to the metal.

So instead of words I will share the results of that creativity with you.

And then...when the words come back...I will be sure to pen them and gift them to you. From the heart. Because I want to. Not because I have to.

Because sometimes....

there are just is no words.

~ the leather wrap bracelet ~
because I wanted one. what better way to create?

~ the better together necklace ~ 
a symbol of unity. Sisters. Friends. Couples. 
Who makes you better?


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you have an email attached to your comment I can connect with you!

Otherwise, feel free to email ME! hello@StudioJewel.com

xo, lisa