15 May 2014

When blogging seems frivolous

I haven't been able to bring myself to blog this week. I've started several posts. Then walked away.
I just can't do it.

I hear about missing girls in Nigeria. My heart breaks.
I know about pastors falling from ministry. I weep.
Young mothers nursing babies in dirty bathroom stalls. My stomach turns.
Missionaries killed because they refuse to denounce the God they love. I cringe.
Hundreds dying on a sinking ferry while the captain and crew escape. I'm sick.
California wild fires.
Death in mines in Turkey.
Sex trafficking.
Lack of clean water.
Friends diagnosed with cancer.
It goes on and on.

Then I try to think about fashion. Or my favorite things. Or photos from Mother's Day. Or even the monotony of my to-do list. It seems so frivolous. Non important. 

That's it. My heart is heavy. I care about people. I care about their future. I care about their eternity. But I'm one person. And I make jewelry. Seems useless. Frivolous.

And then I'm so selfish. I walk into Pier1 and I want. I see things online. I want. Want.
I want a FitBit. I want a new mixer. I want. Selfish. I. Me. I want.

So this week I just need to sit on my thoughts. Pray. Process. Think. Pray more.

My wants need to change. I want to do more. We all need to do more. Get out of my box and put others first. Serve. 
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Love more.
Judge less.

Three things will last forever—
faith, hope, and love
—and the greatest of these is love.
I Corninthians 13.13


  1. You took the words right out of my heart today, Lisa. I often feel this way about my blog and my life. Thanks for being vulnerable. xo

  2. I get this. It's so heartwrenching when you see and hear all the horrors that are happening in the world today.

    This reminds me of a quote from an episode of the TV show Doctor Who:
    "The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

    There are horrors, yes, and we should care and do what we can to help, yes, but we can also bring beauty to the world. Even through jewelry or writing or other pursuits.

    1. i love that quote. thank you so much for sharing! xx

  3. Nail on the head, Lisa. I have to admit, because of my husband's line of work, we rarely watch the news. Its overwhelming, and if you miss one day's issue, you'll be sure to find another fresh one tomorrow. I tend to try to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders anyway, so the endless stream of darkness is sometimes just too much.

    Liza (and Dr. Who ;)) said it beautifully...we cant let the bad things spoil the good things. To me, every bit of good, encouragement, light, positivity I can have any part of is my way of living the "...Thy kingdom come" part of the Lord's prayer. I refuse to let the dark drown out the light.

    Keep on shining!

  4. The world is too much with me right now, too. Hang in there. ..... and Liza: yes. thank you

    1. it's just sometimes the weight is SO heavy. pushing through. seeing the good. xo

  5. The world is so upside down! The least we can do is pray, but the MOST we can do is PRAY!!! Remember that the Lord promises to never leave us or forsake us. May all that happens this day bring Him glory!!! HUGS!!!

  6. Your art brings joy, beauty and solace. It is by no means frivolous.

  7. The day to day things are often the most important ones of all... Life isn't lived in the big moments. It's lived in all of the quiet ones in between.


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xo, lisa