23 July 2014

Blueberries and a muffin. My favorite thing.

Blueberry season. Oh how I love these little round-pop-them-in-your-mouth fruity pieces of joy. I put them in EVERYthing! And this is their season. Their time to shine. Basically their time to be so cheap you can buy a boatload!
There has to be a perfect muffin…right? And honestly? I'm good in the kitchen. I love to cook and bake and experiment and play. But there are two things I struggle with. Pie crust. Not even going there. And my desire to make a muffin as beautiful as you can buy in a bakery. Muffin envy. They NEVER look like that. And the texture is never the same. And I get frustrated. And then I probably get a bit testy. Ok, back to the blueberry.
I had a plethora. I put my big girl panties on, searched out the "perfect" recipe. And, by golly, I found it. No really. This.Is.The.One. The muffin texture was amazing. They popped up - ok, not like a bakery…but there was definite popping. They were flavorful. And they disappeared quickly. That means my kiddos liked them too. I really don't think I ate them all myself. Wait? Did I? Couldn't be.
The recipe? Not mine. I scoured Allrecipes.com which is my go to. Not for the best recipes right off the bat - you have to read the reviews. That's the key. A recipe with good reviews beyond, "I liked them." is worth it's weight in gold. I always read peoples tips and tricks and this was no exception.

So go. Get yourself a basket, bushel, pint, quart…WHATEVER of blueberries while they are still in abundance and come home and bake these. Stat.
They are called To Die For Blueberry Muffins - not sure I would die. But I might sacrifice something. Maybe a 4th cup of coffee. What? Don't look at me like that. I LIKE my coffee!

Here is the recipe. Click here for a printable version.
Now go. Bake. And tell me about your new favorite muffin! Because these are my favorite thing. Today. Right now. This morning.



  1. Lisa, thanks for this. I am in allrecipes several times a week, I just logged in and saved it to my "recipe box" Thank you!!!! xo sue f. Great superfood

  2. I have made that same recipe several times and they are definitely "to die for!" But every time I eat one...or two...I always hear in my head "Kirsten, that bran muffin has like 75 grams of fat."

  3. This is my favorite blueberry muffin recipe!! I've been making it for years and it's never failed me. :)


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xo, lisa