24 July 2014

How you doin? Today's ask Lisa.

How you doin? said in my best Joey Tribbiani.

Oh you nice, kind people. Checking in on lil-ole-me after "that" ordeal of a week. month. months.

I'm ok. I'm tired. I'm mentally exhausted. And actually I'm feeling a bit burned out. Maybe I should coin the phrase "burnt" to coincide with the stupid teenage "turnt" which in all reality…do you really want to talk about being drunk or high? And to you this is socially acceptable? Vulgar. Stupid phrase.

Now burnt.  Could mean too much time in the sun. Could mean, "oops, I left the bread in the oven too long". Or, "I played with fire crackers and now I'm…". But...in my case. I need a studio production break. I'm burnt.

Tuesday I actually moved my computer and ALL my paperwork to the back porch so it didn't feel like I was doing desk work. Fresh ice tea. Beautiful view. Shoot, I didn't even care that it was 90 degrees outside. There was a breeze!

My mind is spinning with creative juices. While my husband was gone I stripped and painted two pieces of furniture on our back porch. Loved it. 
gross garden thing - to outdoor beverage/snack station
I went pottery painting with my smallest person and the man child. So much fun. 
I painted chalk board walls in my daughters rooms. Awesome. 

Creativity. Outside of gold smithing. 
Shoot I even weeded and trimmed all our bushes - are you getting the desperate "I need to be out of the studio" vibe?

Not exactly sure what it is. May be the expeditiously light speed pace I run at has finally caught up with me. Husband in the hospital. Screeeeeching halt.

So I'm pondering. Thinking. Processing.

I want my life to make an impact. I want what I do to be a reflection of who I am, on the inside. I want you to know what makes me tick. My faith. Who I belong to. Does that even make sense? Or did I lose you there?

I also want to make fish tacos and chicken salad with goat cheese. But that's just me. Did I mention my affinity for all things in the kitchen?

See? My mind is mush!

I'm not quitting. Don't get that silly idea in your head. This is what I do. It's just not who I am. And I think…maybe a little…those lines got blurry. So, I working on making them more defined. Not accountant straight. Just visible. Separate. Different. Capisce?

Now…about those tacos….



  1. "This is what I do. It's just not who I am." Great reminder for all of us. Now I'm hungry for fish tacos but I haven't even had breakfast yet. ;)

  2. This is a perfect example of what I adore about you - your honesty, your amazing heart, and your faith. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the world...big hugs from the Mitten :)


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xo, lisa