23 August 2014

Savor. Release. When it is time to send your baby to college.

One last evening together before he leaves for school. Shopping. Dinner.
I wanted to remember every little thing.  
His laugh. The sparkle in his eyes. The crazy freaky sounds he makes. His smile. Everything. 
Not because he will be gone so long or because I won't see him often...but because I know he will change. I know he is stepping into his freedom. His adulthood. The next phase of his life.
Of course he will still need me...for this...for that. And he may even text me about avocados...

But the boy we are sending out will be forever changed. 
Becoming a man.
And although I'm excited for what lies ahead...
I want to imprint the NOW. Savor it for me.

This motherhood thing is strange, really. Think on it.
You spend years  planning for a family. Having babies. Changing diapers. Wiping tears. 
And suddenly...as if overnight...they aren't your "small people" anymore. And we are supposed to release. Let go. Untie. Send off. It's the natural progression. But you don't think about THAT when tiny infant fingers lace around yours. When small feverish heads lay on your chest. When hungry cries wake you from your weary sleep. When you are picking up mess after mess. You don't. Yet the moment arrives. Sneaks up on you. 
It is my now.

So in this moment I'm treasuring my baby. Savoring. Then slowly releasing my grasp....and letting go.

I love you Noah.
Remember Who you belong to.

And don't forget...I'm just a text away. And ones like this...well, the melt my heart...



  1. Made me cry!! Momming is hard on the heart!! 😢
    Karen B. (Texas)

  2. Tears in my eyes. We're facing middle school, Kindergarten and the last year with a little one at home. I think I blinked. :-(

  3. I so understand as my youngest daughter just started college and her sisters are already gone. There isn't anything to prepare you! So true about wanting to imprint every moment...so true!

    1. it's crazy. but it's the way it's supposed to be. and there is no way to know what it will feel like! {{hugs}}


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xo, lisa