23 September 2014

A little black, a touch of lace, a smidge of boots and a lot of sass - fall fashion

There was a time when fall was my favorite season. And if I dig deep I may have a small part of myself that still believes it. But after a winter of sub zero temps and a horrific amount of "that white stuff" ( I can't even bear to say the word ) I'm just about done. Fall leads into winter. Winter is bad. Therefore fall can no longer be my favorite. 

However, the siren call of boots and tights is loud, and I easily give in to the fashion that knows me so well. Obviously my resistance is low.

I just returned last night from the amazing TypeA conference. Exhausted yet inspired. My mind is spinning with new ideas and possibilities. I even had the opportunity to speak about how to build a small business while competing with the big guys. And truly...it was the kick off for my fall wardrobe.

Each day I MEANT to take photos of what I was wearing, but days were full - nights were busy, you know the drill. However, I did manage to coerce a couple friends to do some clicking.

Day one was my presentation day. I wanted to look professional yet still be my typical artsy bohemian self. I'm fairly sure this will become a standby.

photos courtesy of Carol Cain / GirlGoneTravel.com
Grey skirt - The Gap / Black lace shirt - FreePeople / Black booties - ShoeMint / jewelry my own Studio Jewel

Saturday was a bit more chill - very much "me".
photos by Maggie Sellers  / http://www.linneyville.com/category/marg/
Skinny jeans - The Gap / Grey Tank - The Gap / Long sweater - FreePeople / 
Hat - FreePeople / Booties - ShoeMint / jewelry StudioJewel.com

Of COURSE all the jewelry is my own - I mean, did you really have to ask?

Friday night was fancy dress night…did I mention how much I love to dress up?

And Saturday night was a 90's party. Let's just say I went as a bit of Beverly Hills 90210 and a bit of Pretty Woman - before she {ahem} cleaned up. This is all you are getting. I will say it involved Doc Martens, a mini skirt and a crop top…and...Yup. Blonde. Don't ask!
So today when I stepped outside and saw my breath I will admit…I did not sneer with disgust. I may have actually smirked…a little. It's fall. It's time. I have heard the siren's call, and I have acquiesced. Bring it.



  1. Ahh Fall how I miss you!! Enjoy fall for me! I'm stuck in Summer temps and the ocean year round..our Fall is when it drops to the 80's. Love the outfits!!


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xo, lisa