24 September 2014

Who says black eyes aren't sexy? My new favorite thing...

Evening routine. A few minutes of downtime. Maybe a glass of wine. Wash my face. Go to bed. But sometimes I get stuck on the "wash my face". It's like I know I should…but the makeup and the scrubbing. And sometimes it comes off, but sometimes it doesn't. And then I have that moment of, well, if I sleep on my back the make up won't rub off on my pillow and then maybe it will wash off in the shower. No. Seriously. I do talk to myself like that. Tell me you don't!

And it's not that I wear a lot of makeup (see #7 on my "you might be an introvert" post) but I do wear eye liner and mascara. Every day. Don't judge. But dang…sometimes that stuff is stubborn. I've tried those makeup remover cloths and pads but it feels like an abrasive rub down on my eyes. No thank you.

But Eureka. I've found it. Ok, Birchbox found it. But they sent it to me, so now I can claim it. Do you see what I love Birchbox so much. They find me goodies I would have never found on my own! Still haven't signed up…seriously…can we even be friends anymore? You don't listen to me anyway! Here's your link…. click here … for Pete's sake - you WILL thank me later. Anyway, I digress…

The bomb diggity product. Ok, I made another video - and it's equally as bad as last weeks PopSugar review video…and my friend Melanie is going to KILL me for using my iPhone vertical…and I promise I will never ever do it again…but for the sake of you loving the product…and not judging me…I am posting it anyway. I'm sorry Melanie!!!!! See for yourself why I am in love….

Here are the details:
Cailyn Dizzolv'It
$24 for 50ml but I think it will last forever.
image form CybeleSays.com
The reason I loved it so much…
It did the job, and the residual washed off easily, no leftover ick. That simple.
IT IS NOT GREASY. Like at all! 
It really dissolves the makeup and left my skin feeling AWESOME! It's full of amazing stuff like papaya and aloe and calendula!

I'm going to purchase a full size from the Birchbox site. But I'm sure you can find it elsewhere, like Amazon
Treat yourself to some black eyes…as you can see…it's pretty sexy!


1 comment:

  1. You mean you held out on me while we were in ATL? I couldn't get my eyeliner off for ANYTHING. Fine. I'm just going to buy it right now. :*


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xo, lisa