17 October 2013

Saying goodbye to a furry friend

She looks at me with those big brown eyes. I love you mama.

She nuzzles her nose under my arm. Pet me mama.

She flips her scrawny body over as close to me as she can get. I just want to be near you mama. 

She is beginning to tremble more often now. A  pile of red hair hanging loosely over her skinny frame. Help me mama.

My furry baby is dying.
Her 6 year old body shutting down from kidney failure. Shedding weight. Growing lethargic. But her tail still wags. She loves her family.

But we can't help her.
My Maggie girl. Always "special". Not quite right. But so full of energy. The forever puppy.
Endlessly loyal.
Completely needy. 
A lover.
A companion.
A friend.

Chasing light beams into walls. The first to greet me at the door with a toy. Running by my side and never tiring. Finding any teeny tiny sunny spot and curling her body up "just so" to soak it in. And submissive. So very submissive.

Her sister doesn't know. How could she? Or does she? What do they know?
Maggie thinks of Selah as her mother. We brought her home at six weeks old. Selah, her real life sister, yet a couple litters apart, looks just like her mama. She immediately went to her and curled up underneath her. 

Sweet Selah. After the initial surprise and wonder at this little furry body, took to her and took her as her very own.
They are always together. Every second of every day. Even now...Selah seems more protective than usual, curling up around her watching her. This was yesterday...
Again...I ask. Does she know? Can she know?

I do know she is unprepared for what lies ahead. After 6 years of being side by side. Always touching. Always together. There will be a huge void in her life.

Selah. The alpha. In charge. Maggie her devoted friend. Letting her eat first, drink first....giving her the toy. But always so close by. Always touching.

This has been love. 

What will Selah do when she's gone? Will her heart break? Will she ever be the same?

I guess we know our pets won't live forever. But do we really know? They weave they're way into our lives, always giving, asking for so little in return. 

I know she's not my child...but yet. They spend every day with me in the studio. They exercise with me. They get puppy lattes at Starbucks with me. They know McDonald's means ice cream cones. They comfort me when I'm sad. They are my company. They are my companions. They are my friends.

As I sit and write this… She wiggles her head under my arm begging for attention. So much like normal. Yet so not. Her nose is warm and dry. Not cold wet and annoying as it should be.

I so wish you could talk Maggie girl. 
She does with her eyes. But it's still not enough. If I knew she was suffering and in pain today I would put her down tomorrow. She still seems to have so much life. So much happiness. And she still bring so much joy. I just don't want to be selfish

I love my furry girls with all my heart. And this is breaking mine.

I will make her as comfortable as I can...until I can't any longer. And then... then.... I can't even bear the thought. 

I love you Maggie girl....thank you for being my faithful friend.


p.s. Just an update. We had to put down our beloved Maggie on Thanksgiving Day.  She fought such a good fight. And she is truly missed. She died in my arms surrounded by all of us who loved her best. Thank you so much for all your kind words. I am grateful.


  1. Oh Lisa, I feel your pain. I hope Maggie can let you know when she's had enough. Until then, enjoy that sweet fur baby!

  2. Oh Lisa, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Maggie. She knows she is loved.

  3. I'm so sorry Lisa - I know you are hurting right now. Maggie is a sweetie and so is Selah. Love you!

  4. Oh Lisa, I am so sorry. Maggie is so lucky to have you as a mama and Selma as a sibling. You will know when it is time and as hard as it is on us she will then have eternal comfort.

  5. We were exactly here last December. My Madison and my Maggie. Always together, Maggie always mothering, Madison always ready for love and cuddles. But things got worse and worse and we finally made the decision to have her put down. The night before she crawled up into my lap and decided that she'd rather be at home. And so I held her for hours. Got the big kids up to tell her goodbye and then held onto her until the very end. It was heartbreaking and beautiful all at once. Gah! Now I'm doing the ugly cry. But I say that to say this: Maggie's done really well without Madison. the first few weeks she seemed to be looking for her a lot and she would sigh and moan a bit, but it got a little better every day. Praying for you, for your Maggie-girl, and your family. xoxo

  6. As I sit here, crying, I pray for you. I pray for strength and grace to know when it's time to make that heart-breaking decision. I remember it all too well, and it makes me ache for you and for your furry baby. I'm so sorry that you're having to go through all of this, Lisa.
    Laura B.

  7. I'm so sorry for you and your family. It sounds hollow to say that you are making the right decision. That knowledge doesn't make you hurt any less. Sending you thoughts of peace and love.

  8. I'm crying with you and sending love and hugs to you and both your furry girls. I think the death of dogs is the worst outcome of "The Fall". Such perfect animals should never have to hurt or pass away.

  9. Lisa, I am so sorry for what you are all going through. A sick furry friend is heart wrenching, they are part of our families just as our children are. Holding all of you in light and love!

  10. I am so very sorry. I am crying for you all too. I have only had my rescue hound for 6 months and I couldn't be without him. Sending licks from Krypto and hugs from me. Love K x

  11. Lisa: I'm so, so sorry that you're going through this right now. Your post made me cry and go and hug my two pups extra long this morning. I can't imagine how you'll make that "when" decision, but know that there is SO much love and support surrounding you in this extra difficult time. xx

  12. (((Lisa))) I'm so sorry, they come part our family and it's hard to see them suffer and we can't do anything.

  13. Oh Lisa! I am so very sorry to hear about Maggie! What a beautiful young dog to be stricken by kidney disease. My heart breaks for what you're going through because I can't imagine losing our crazy lovable 5 year old Lab, Oliver. I send all the love in the world and am sorry I'm having to miss Type A this weekend for a chance for an IRL hug. xoxoxo

  14. So glad you had this wonderful baby in your life...so sad that she's leaving so early. I know the pain of losing these special friends...I look at my three and don't want to think about them not being here. Hugs to you and your babies....

  15. I'm so incredibly sorry you are facing this :( last Monday the love of my life- my seven year old Calico Gidget got sick and started acting weak- long night that night...Tuesday morning she peed all over herself and didn't care- my Gidget was a very clean girl so I knew she was in a bad place. We took her to the vet immediately and she was in full renal failure- we decided to stop her suffering and she died in my arms a few hours after we arrived. I was the first human to hold her- it was only fitting I be the last. She was my constant companion for 7 years and was taken much too soon. Losing your fur baby is going to be very difficult- just know that there are others out there feeling the same pain as you and we will be thinking of you and Maggie <3

  16. Lisa, as I sit here bawling my eyes out, I am so sorry for the pain you are having to endure. Knowing that your innocent, loving companion is so ill is a terrible trial to go through. Just praying for the strength and wisdom you will need to know when the time has come. I once made the mistake of letting one of my kitties suffer with feline leukemia until the bitter end when he died a natural death. After that experience, it is something I will never do to an animal again.

  17. Lisa ~ We said goodbye to our "golden girl" who was 11 when her kidneys began to shut down. She let us know when it was time. She wasn't able to go up and down the stairs anymore - my big tough husband carried her up and down every day so she could still sleep in our room. She was loving and wonderful to the end. We said goodbye to her & held her as she went away. Then in a while we opened our hearts to another Golden soul, a rescue who so desperately needed a new forever home. My big boy Jake - he's such a goof totally different and yet so much the same as our Greta girl. This is a hard time - but you'll get through it. Praying for you! (((hugs)))

  18. This brought tears to my eyes. I never understood the love of pets until our family got our dog but now it makes my heart hurt to think about the limited time we have with our furry family members. I'm so sorry and I'll say a prayer for you and Maggie and your family.

  19. Oh friend! Losing a pet is it's own special kind of pain and sadness. We've had our Ginny girl for about 6 years now and lately her joints have been troubling her and she's not eating much. I hope she's only "going through something" temorporarily and will snap out of it but somewhere deep down I wonder if this may be the beginning of the end.

    I prayer for peace for you and comfort for Maggie. Much love to you.

  20. This is one of the hardest things to go through, I am so sorry. My Golden Retriever McGwire had to be put down over two years ago and my kids still pray at dinner for Jesus to take care of him in heaven. As I sit here typing, I am bawling my eyes out for the loss you will be going through and the one I went through after having my baby for 11 years. I will be praying for you and your family!

    Amanda Sours


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xo, lisa